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Event Water Supply

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Event Water Supply

If you’re providing bulk water for other people’s use, you must make it clear to them how they can use it. There are several options for event water supply solutions.

Storage of water in uncontrolled conditions, has a stream of health and safety directives and regulations, aimed at keeping it fit for purpose.


Bottled drinking water

We can supply water for events large and small. It can be supplied in bottles for drinking, which come by the pallet and indeed, we’ve a page giving the sizes and variants available. For bulk public consumption, this is the simplest and most straightforward method of getting water to people fast. The bottles arrived sealed, ready to drink.

When it comes to water for catering, camping, washing etc, then your storage options are a little more complex.

Rather like planning an event where you need to calculate toilet numbers based on projected attendance. You’ll need to conduct a similar exercise based on your activity.

For example, for light to medium use, we can supply a 2000 litre towable water bowser.

Larger needs, then consider a static plastic water tank, 5000, 10000 or even 20000 litres.

If you are supplying toilet or shower blocks with water, then a larger vessel may be required.

So, what do we mean by clean water?

The water we provide as clean water is drawn from our local authority (licensed) standpipes. We employ a series of procedures when we fill our tankers, disinfecting the hoses and fittings used and of course the vessels we come to fill are treated in the same way prior to delivery. Despite this, we (or any other water provided) would never advise that the water is safe to drink and this is due to the uncontrolled conditions in which the water is being stored.

We provide clean water for a variety of uses and where events are concerned, it is suitable for hand washing, toilet flushing etc. You can improve the condition of water by boiling it first and indeed, to be really sure as a consumer you should do this in all cases, even with drinking water from vessels prepared for potable use.
Better to be safe than sorry.

So, what do we mean by quality assured drinking water?

Even before we fill a tanker or any other vessel with drinking water. The storage vessels we provide are thoroughly disinfected and prepared. Bowsers and tanks are sealed prior to delivery to provide visual assurance the vessel left us in A1 clean condition.

Tankers used to provide potable water fills, are prepared in a similar way to our vessels, before being filled with clean wholesome water from approved, licensed authority standpipes.

All hoses and fittings employed in filling and delivery of the cargo are approved food grade.

Hoses and fittings are disinfected before being connected to the tanker the receiving vessel.

Following delivery, the recipient of the water is responsible for its fitness for purpose. This is especially important if water is being dispensed for drinking.

Please note, that if a seal is broken, we cannot assure the fitness for purpose of the payload, so it is vitally important to protect the quality assurance chain of procedures, not to tamper with the seal.

After the water has been delivered.

There are a series of tests which must be carried out after 24 hours of drinking water storage and then, every 24 hours after that. We can provide on site testing, to give consumers peace of mind that the water they drink is perfectly safe.

H2O on site website contains a wealth of information on water quality and water testing services and techniques. Of course, you can always talk to us, assured that the advice we give is tailored for your event water needs.

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    Options for Event Water

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