We’d just like to remind our customers of the importance of correctly classifying waste and
correctly completing the documentation.
The Duty of Care Code of Practice applies if you:
• Produce
• Import
• Carry
• Keep
• Treat
• Dispose of or act as broker / have control of waste in England or Wales
Duty of Care is a legal requirement for those dealing with controlled waste (industrial and
commercial waste).
The code of practice (the Code) sets out practical guidance on how to meet your waste duty
of care requirements. It is issued under section 34(7) of the Environmental Protection Act
1990 (the EPA) in relation to the duty of care set out in Section 34(1) of that Act.
Click here for guidance from the EA Duty of Care Notes
Click here for guidance from the EA on Consignment Notes
Failure to comply with the duty of care is an offence. Which can result in prosecution or in
some instances a fixed penalty notice may be issued for failure to comply with the duty of
care. There is no upper limit on the courts power to fine.
See below a list of EWC codes which will help you identify which codes
are needed for you waste
At Tardis we deal with wet waste only – all waste must be pumpable. If
the waste is thick sludges it will not be suitable for our tankers.
- Concrete Washings 16 10 02
- Drainage slurries 20 03 06
- Drilling slurries (non haz) 01 05 04
- Aqueous waste (non haz) 16 10 02
- Aqueous waste (haz) 16 10 01
- Sewage 20 03 04
- Road sweepings 20 03 03
- Interceptors – oil and water 13 05 07
- Sandstone sludge (non haz) 17 05 04 – super suction tanker required – notsuitable for a conventional vacuum tanker
- Silt 17 05 06
- Ground water (non haz) 19 13 08
- Ground water (haz) 19 13 07
- Grease – kitchen/canteen waste 20 01 08
Please click below for an entire list of
We would to thank you for your continued custom, if you would like any further guidance or support, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team.