If you own a septic tank you should know not to put drain cleaners or oil down the drain into it, but there may be some substances that you don’t know of that can mess up your septic tank system, here are 3 you may not know about!
Hand Washing Soap
You may have a little liquid hand soap dispenser by your sink at home, and although these are a good idea, and can kill up to 99.9% of germs on your hands, they can also carry on killing bacteria when they reach your tank. If you have children they may also overuse this liquid hand soap and kill even more of the bacteria that are needed in your tank to keep it digesting all the waste you put in it.
Toilet Cleaners
Every time a failed tank is emptied they may be a lot of blue dye, the source of the blue is from toilet cleaners that you can buy at supermarkets, which send deadly (to your bacteria) chemicals to your septic tank every time you flush.
Bath Oils, Body Oils
Bath and body oils may make your skin feel smoother, but when they wash down the drain they increase the chances of septic tank failure.
Your septic tank should be emptied on a regular basis to ensure it is in its best working condition, Tardis Tanks can provide septic tank emptying services nationwide!