Portable Toilets at Church - Tardis Hire Blog
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Portable Toilets have an essential Role!!

Did you know that until 2005, the cardinals had to endure Spartan like conditions in makeshift “cells” that was close to the Sistine chapel? The cardinals had to sleep on hard beds and were also issued with chamber pots to use as toilets. But Pope John Paul ll changed all that with the construction of a massive five storey guest house that has 130-rooms, this is located near St Peter’s – Domus Sanctae Marthe (St Martha’s House).

Even with the construction of the five storey St Martha’s House (Domus Sanctae Marthe), the cardinals still have it rough when voting for a new pope. Antonio Paulucci who is the director of the Vatican Museum told Catholic News Service the other week “I believe they may be installing some Portable Chemical Toilets inside the chapel”

Here are Five Fun Facts You May Not have Known about Portable Toilets

  1. There were 5,000 portable restrooms at Obama’s inauguration.
  2. A portable toilet will uses 90% less water than a conventional toilet.
  3. The first toilet cubicle is usually used least. This makes it the cleanest toilet in a row.
  4. Toilets are flushed more times during halftime super bowl than any other time of the year.
  5. The U.S. spent over $100,000 on a survey just to determine whether it was more common to put the toilet paper in the holder with the flap facing the front or behind. The flap in the front is the most popular.

If you need more information or the services we can provide on Portable Toilets then give us a call on our freephone 0800 731 0589