Drinking water never tasted so good - Tardis Hire Drinking water never tasted so good - Tardis Hire
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Tardis H2O on site steps up to the plate

Our days delivering drinking water often begin the same way. Early morning, our tankers are specially prepared to carry drinking water, as are any vessels we’re sending to accept the payload. There’s a strict protocol we follow to the letter.

We were off to Enfield in Middlesex to meet up with one of our delivery vehicles carrying two large static water tanks. Our assignment, to fill those tanks with quality assured drinking water.

What we didn’t know until we arrived, were the circumstances surrounding the requirement.

The people of the Durants Park estate had been without water supply for eight days, which included four high rise blocks.

The moment our shiny H2O tanker arrived, curtains began twitching and shortly after, people started coming up to us, asking if this water was for them.

There was genuine desperation in their voices. Imagine having no water to wash yourself, your clothes, cook your vegetables and of course, flush your toilet.

The plan was to fill our two static tanks, but motorway traffic had delayed that vehicle, meaning we were about thirty minutes ahead and already, a dozen or so expectant folk were assembled with relatively small containers they hoped would be filled.

The estate operatives were also preparing for dispensing the precious cargo of our tanker, with a supply of brand new plastic buckets for those without containers.

We heard people on their phones, calling other residents of the estate “there’s water here”, genuine delight.

A man told us he’d just returned from the leisure centre where he paid for his kids and himself just to use the showers and get clean.

Witnessing the frustration of the residents, we opened the back of the tanker and attached a small gauge fitting with a lever type tap and Tanker Captain Toddy, dispensed water to those waiting patiently, until the tanks were offloaded and sited a few yards away.

water delivery tardish2o

“There’s water here”

We set about filling them, in readiness for the people who were now hearing about the delivery on the grapevine.


buckets to fill with water


We’d originally planned to make a video and take stills of a typical water delivery, but the day’s work turned out to be far from typical. As we focused the camera on  filling containers, one man jumped in front of the lens and with both thumbs up in support, delivered his own message of thanks for the supply.

A young Staffordshire Bull Terrier on a leash, excited to see oodles of fresh water, contributed his own noisy expression of joy (it’s all in the video).

We often receive thanks from our clients for meeting their needs, usually sent to us by e mail. To receive such thanks at the point of delivery made them even more special and considering the circumstances, very touching.

We understand from chatting to the engineers on site, that Thames Water are working round the clock to restore the service.

Following the Siberian sub-zero temperatures we experienced in the UK at the beginning of March, Enfield isn’t the only place to suffer this sort of disruption due to split water mains.

Around the country…

The same day we were in the South east, we had another emergency situation in Derbyshire at a factory which processes chicken. They consume a lot of water and despite supplies being restored by the local water authority after the big freeze, the restored water pressure was then causing further fractures along the line thus disrupting the supply. We had a tanker pumping several loads per day to keep the operation running, albeit at reduced capacity.

The very next day, we found ourselves in Harley Street London where the water supply was being cut to repair a main in the street nearby.  Indeed, it was a busy week for drinking water deliveries.

It all goes to show, our reliance and how much we take for granted our water supply.

You’re probably aware that Tardis H2O on site can supply a number of delivery and storage options, from bottled water to a tanker brim full of quality assured drinking water.

One number nationwide: 0800 731 0589  www.tardish2O.co.uk