Halloween and something strange is a happening at Tardis Environmental - Tardis Hire Halloween and something strange is a happening at Tardis Environmental - Tardis Hire
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As the clouds parted and a full moon shone over Tardis HQ, odd things began to stir.

On the hire desk, in accounts and out in the depot yards, normally placid and gentle folk started to garner a taste for other people’s brains. Flesh began to creep, and an odd green pallor overcame tanker captains and hire desk operators alike.

All found themselves struck with hunger, a hunger a Snickers bar or a pot noodle would no longer satisfy.

As tortured souls in the transport department tapped away at computer keyboards with gnarled withered fingers that occasionally snapped off, the PDAs were loaded with the day’s routes and a worried public cried “they know where we live”.

As tanker wheels rolled, now ravenous zombie hordes made a bee line for the shires and as they drove, the hunger burned inside.

werewolfyNo one will be spared on all hallows eve

Septic and welfare tanks would be emptied and afterwards (once the job was signed for) there’d be feasting aplenty.  A juicy kidney for an entrée, a nice bit of neck fillet followed by a good gnaw on a thigh bone on the journey back to the depot.

So, for everyone in the mortal world who’s booked a tank or toilet empty today, a water fill or has a road sweeper job scheduled. Take a look at the little video we put together and try not to have nightmares.

Happy Halloween from all the ghoulish good folk at Tardis.