Portable Toilet Troubleshooting Guide - Tardis Hire Portable Toilet Troubleshooting Guide - Tardis Hire
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Very occasionally, a few problems occur when using portable toilets. We’ve put together a quick guide to help you get them back up and running as soon as possible.

Safety Warning

When you open the toilet unit, you are working in an unsanitary environment. Please ensure you wear appropriate PPE before engaging in even the most minor maintenance operations.

Common problems encountered with portable toilets and how to troubleshoot them.

If the toilet won’t flush properly, lift the lid on the waste tank.

You will see a 1″ pipe with a plastic mesh bag hanging from the gusher pump. It is fastened to the pipe by a jubilee clip.

Occasionally, the pipe assembly will become loose. Affix this by pushing the pipe and the bag on the underside of the pump.

If the pipe is still fixed in place, check for splits. If a split is discovered a new pipe and mesh bag will have to be ordered/supplied.

Portable Toilet Troubleshooting

Less common – If the pipe and bag are in good working order, check below the gusher pump for the condition of the black circular tubular diaphragm. If this is damaged, a Tardis engineer will be required to repair it.

Less commonly, with heavy use, two other issues occur. The toilet paper can cause the filter to become blocked. One sign of this is the flush handle becoming stiff to operate. If this happens, you will need to call a Tardis engineer to repair the problem.

If the flush handle has been operated aggressively, the mechanism may snap. The flush handle will move around with no resistance and the flush will not operate. In this instance, you will also require an engineer to repair it.

Very occasionally, the nozzle shown below can become blocked. The best solution if this happen, is to clear it with a jet lance.

Portable Toilet Troubleshooting


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