Tardis says it’s CHRISTMAAAASSSS ! - Tardis Hire Tardis says it’s CHRISTMAAAASSSS ! - Tardis Hire
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It’s accepted we all like a good rest at Christmas and a mince pie or two, but gremlins never rest and someone has to be on call to deal with them.

Although the Tardis crew will be putting up their Christmas stockings hoping for everything they deserve, the operation is a 365 day a year affair and we will be available for emergency call out.


The same number as usual and the same level of service applies.

We really hope you won’t need us, but we’ll be there if you do.

Thanks for being with us through 2014 and for following our blog, Twitter feed and Facebook page.

We really enjoyed your pictures of Tardis toilets and tankers you spotted out on site postcode, even on the telly. Keep sending them in and we’ll keep featuring them. For meritorious contributions, we have been know to post out some Tardis goodies as reward, so just keep that in mind.

We plan to continue running humorous features and expanding our instructional videos like our recent Crossrail compliant video, which was very well received.

And of course, when the occasion rises, we’ll be dressing up rather like we did in our onesies for Children in need and our wooly pullies for Save the Children.