Tardis Portable Toilet Calculator | How many portable toilets do I need? Tardis Portable Toilet Calculator | How many portable toilets do I need?
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Portable Toilet Calculator

Portable Toilet Calculator

How many portable toilets do I need for an event?


Well thats a good question and one we’re regularly asked.

Use our interactive “ready reckoner” when you’re in the planning stages of an event, to help you gain an idea on how many portable toilets you will need in comparison to the number of people you expect to attend.

Because events which service alcohol, increase toilet facility demand by 13% we’ve even built in that option to help you.

However, if you really want to nail it, you really can’t beat giving us a call to talk through the details of your event.

For example, if you’re organising an all ticket event, you can plan your toilet and servicing needs pretty accurately, but should your event allow for overnight campers or on the day ticket sales, these two factors will really have an effect on the facilities you’ve planned.

Depending on the size of the event, you may wish to factor in a percentage of your facilities for wheelchair users and especially for sports related or “blokey” events, increase portable urinals units over traditional portable toilets, to keep toilet traffic moving.

We’ve over 25 years experience in the event and festival market, so any advice we give will be based on that experience.

Plan for success, give us a call.


We recommend

If you are using chemical toilets, BSI standard (BS6465-1-2006) recommends one plastic toilet to seven persons working a 40-hour week. However, you will also need to take into account how frequently they are serviced/emptied. Chemical toilets are usually serviced/emptied weekly as part of a hire contract. You may need to have this done more regularly or hire more units depending on use.

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Is alcohol being served?

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