What Can I Plant near a septic tank? - Tardis Hire Blog
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Septic tank advice

My Suggestion is to just place grass on top and have at least 15ft distance from any tree or bush roots as these could be strong enough to pierce a septic tank wall, this could cause the septic tank to leak and could cost a lot of money if left unchecked.

Especially with the EPA bring in the new water services act 2012, where you will have the septic tank inspected to ensure you’re not polluting the surrounding environment.

What about Plants?

There are a quiet a few plants you can plant near the septic tank as their roots don’t grow that long and are not that strong to damage your septic tank.

Here is a list of plants that should be okay:

  1. Wild garlic
  2. Nodding wild onion
  3. Field pussytoes
  4. Wild columbine
  5. Butterlyweed
  6. Sand coreopsis
  7. Prairie coreopsis
  8. White prairie clover
  9. Purple prairie clover
  10. Pale purple coneflower
  11. Purple coneflower
  12. rattlesnake master
  13. Big leaf aster
  14. Wild geranium
  15. Western sunflower
  16. Prairie sunflower
  17. False sunflower
  18. Rough blazing star
  19. Sundial lupine
  20. Wild bergamot

There are a few more flowers that are okay to plant near a septic tank. If you find that a root has pierced a hole within the septic, it’s not the end of the world just give Tardis Environmental a call and we can advise or repair the septic tank for you.

Just remember that when planting any plants near or around your septic tank that it must still have easy access to get so that a septic tank emptying service or any fixes can be easy done without any interference.

Tardis Environmental will always endeavour to give the best advice possible and will always give the best septic tank emptying service we can deliver.