Hazardous Waste Registration changes effective April 1st 2016 Hazardous Waste Registration changes effective April 1st 2016
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From April 1st 2016, premises in England will no longer need to register as a hazardous waste producer, regardless of the amount they produce or store on their site.

Hazardous waste is generally waste that is considered harmful to human health, animals or the environment, this includes:

  • Asbestos
  • Lead-acid batteries
  • Solvent-based inks and paints
  • Pesticides
  • Oils (except edible ones) e.g. car oil
  • Fluorescent light tubes
  • Equipment containing ozone-depleting substances e.g. fridges
  • Hazardous packaging waste

Some premises are exempt from the registration requirement.

When registering your premises, you are given a unique ‘premises code’ which is only valid for 12 months from the date of registration. There is a fee for each site you register.

The decision to remove the requirement to register has been made by DEFRA (Department for Environment, Good & Rural Affairs) as part of the Smarter Environmental Regulation Review (Red Tape Challenge).


Red Tape Challenge


These changes do not apply until April 1st 2016.

You should always use an authorized business such as ourselves, to collect, recycle or dispose of your hazardous waste, to view our waste carriers license please click here.