Glitter and glitz at the Sparkles & Suits WaterAid Ball - Tardis Hire Glitter and glitz at the Sparkles & Suits WaterAid Ball - Tardis Hire
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WaterAid BallIn the winter edition of the Tardis Times last month, we mentioned we’d be attending the Sparkles & Suits WaterAid Ball on 28th January, hosted by our friends at South Staffs Water.

The event at the Hilton St. George’s Park was an overwhelming success, raising almost £44,000 for WaterAid and beating the previous year’s total of £25,000 and incidentally, the charity Tardis also proudly sponsors.

This significant sum of money will support the three year project in Central Madagascar that will reach over 35,000 people providing safe water and upwards of 8,800 people with improved sanitation and hygiene.

A particular highlight of the evening was our own Chris Boydon winning a signed Wolves shirt in the auction much to his delight as a life long Wolves fan.

Wolves Shirt

More information on WaterAid’s life changing projects around the world is available at