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All you need to know about septic tank emptying

Septic tanks are mainly found in areas where a mains sewage line is not available and the sewage and waste water needs to be collected in a septic tank before being released in ground water.

Domestic Septic Tank

You are probably thinking why I would need a septic tank emptying service if the water gets released back in to the ground water level. The Septic tank has 3 layers of waste water, the bottom layer of water is called the sludge layer and this will be eaten by helpful bacteria. This is solid waste that drops to the bottom of the septic tank. So try not to use too much bleach or antibacterial products. Also if you do not empty the sludge from the bottom of the septic tank the sludge layer will build up as the bacteria will not be able to handle the increased sludge.

The second layer or the middle layer of waste water inside a septic tank is called waste water. This layer is the layer that will exit through a T-shaped outlet pipe to a drain field or soakaway field, which will then soak through the soil back to the ground water flow for further treatment.

The first layer otherwise known as the scum layer is a build-up of oil and grease and items that don’t decompose. This layer sits on top of the waste water layer and is the most common problem cause for blocking up your septic tank.

So having a scheduled septic tank empty not only saves you money but will give you peace of mind. Plus have a septic tank empty service will help prolong the life of your sewage system.

If you need more advice or information on septic tank emptying then give our Hire desk team a call today on 0800 731 0589.