Tardis and the Crossrail project - Tardis Hire Tardis and the Crossrail project - Tardis Hire
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Crossrail, the largest engineering project in Europe and Tardis has been part of it.

In a nutshell, Crossrail is 73 miles of railway set to serve London and the south east, improving journey times and connecting with many existing lines.

As a supplier of goods and services to the project, Tardis Environmental have invested heavily in our fleet to make them “Crossrail compliant”. This includes the provision of safety equipment that is additional to the level we already send our vehicles to work carrying.

44tonne tanker

Fresnel lenses for example, smaller but similar to those found in lighthouses in this instance they are used to bend light allowing a driver to see personnel or cyclists approaching on the inside blind spot.

Side scan detection is now standard Crossrail  equipment, designed to detect cyclists or pedestrians in close proximity to the nearside.

In practice, audible tones or warnings exterior to the vehicle are triggered when the left hand indicator is activated and should there be a person detected in the field of the scan, the driver inside the cab is alerted by audible tone also.

Some side scan systems have the added safety of exterior cameras greatly reducing the chance of a mishap.

In addition, warning livery is added to the vehicle as are under run bars down each side.

Woe betide any contractor who fails to meet the high standards lain down by Crossrail. Exclusion from all sites and fines meted out often being the penalty.

Safety is in everyone’s interest. Our spec sheets detail our Crossrail compliant vehicles which of course can be used elsewhere, where stringent safety is practised.



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