Tardis "fits" the bill in Boston, Lincolnshire | Towable water bowser delivery Tardis "fits" the bill in Boston, Lincolnshire | Towable water bowser delivery
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The town of Boston was calling us, to complete a fitting job in the Port of Boston to be more precise.

A picturesque town located in the east of England, we fired up the trusty H2O Land Rover and traveled through some of the flattest land outside of Holland, enjoying the cold winter sunshine.


tardis land rover defender

Braving the cold wind

Our work involved plumbing in a towable bowser that had trundled along behind us on the journey, into a toilet block via an on – demand pump.

This was a new site about to move into action, as there were cabins being delivered and slung into place by crane. Our job, to ready the “essential” facilities.

As our photo diary shows, we ran flexible plastic water pipe from the bowser under the cabin, to feed the main water inlet.

That leads to the 110 volt on-demand pump.

As the name suggests, that works, by providing pressure in this instance, to refill toilet cisterns in a block.

Water supply to toilet block

Flushing the loo creates the demand on the pump which clicks into action and as soon as the toilet cistern is full, it stops pumping.

We have to mention, that the winter sunshine was pleasant, but the east wind wasn’t and gave a wind chill in minus figures.


boston tardis fitters


Just the sort of weather than blows no good for on – demand pumps.

Fortunately, our clients had thought ahead and added a Tardis pump protection box to the order, to which we snugly fitted the pump to protect it from the wind and rain and forecasted icy conditions.

Then, from the pump, a length of pipework to the bowser which would be filled by one of our H2O tankers later in the day, it was all systems go.


Plumbing water bowser into a toilet block


Rather like our sister company Tardis Hire, Tardis H2O doesn’t just deliver the equipment and leave you to figure it out.  You can request us to quote for fitting and commissioning which includes plumbing and electrical services on site.

With nine depots in strategic site postcodes, we’re equipped and staffed to provide a solution to any water related need you may have.

We’ve a great choice of water storage vessels

We’ve storage solutions from 1000 litres (in the shape of tanks or IBC containers.

tardis fitter fitting pump protection box

Thirstier jobs nay require bigger vessels, so we’ve static tanks in a variety of sizes, 5, 10, 20,000 litres.

Pillow or bladder tanks are yet another option and you can store up to 100,000 litres in one of those whilst taking up little floor space.

Tanker trailers can be hired 16 and 30,000 litres in capacity and topped up on demand.

Tardis H2O water tankers are now a sizeable fleet again set up to meet the needs of the industries we supply.

Clean water, mainly for construction. Quality assured drinking water (requiring a series of documented and controlled procedures to ensure vessels and your water is fit for purpose).

Would you believe, we can also deliver spring water ?  No, not in little bottles (though we have that facility too).  Some industries call on us for Chlorine or other chemical free water for specialised purposes and indeed, Tardis H2O steps up to the plate.

Our water hygiene department provides a range of testing facilities for a variety of water conditions. Bacteria, minerals, elements or other contaminants.

Reports can be provided via UKAS accredited laboratories, though depending on the type of test, this can also come from our own facility.

So from a small bowser feeding a toilet block dockside to many thousands of litres for ships going to sea (which we also provided recently), you can rely on Tardis H2O to understand you need and provide everything for that need with the professionalism and expertise you’d expect a company carrying the Tardis brand.