And we're back in the garden. - Tardis Hire And we're back in the garden. - Tardis Hire
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Did you see that very special episode of Love Your Garden last night ?

Alan, David, Katie and the rest of the hardworking team, had a very special garden project in Manchester.

The site postcode was the Royal Manchester Children’s hospital, the project, a very special memorial garden to commemorate seventy years of the NHS and to remember those who died a year ago in the Manchester Arena bombing.

Love Your Garden at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

The programme went out on May the 22nd, the first anniversary of the catastrophic event.

We were in Manchester a few weeks ago and on the last day of filming and did we witness a lot of busy people working hard to finish the garden for the four o clock reveal?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that celebrities like Alan Titchmarsh and David Domoney, sit in their air-conditioned trailers, drinking their green tea infusions and just show up when the cameras start rolling.  That couldn’t be farther from the truth with the LYG team. As our video shows.  We saw David with a shovel in his hand, unloading a dumper truck filled with soil, which then had to be distributed to parts of the garden where it was needed.

love your garden Manchester

Alan and Katie were in another part of the plot, presenting to camera and we even saw a couple of Bobbies, who’d been showing curiosity as to what was going on, press ganged into distributing various plants about the site.  The show also revealed that help on the garden also came from the local fire service.

Celebrating 70 years of the NHS and remembering the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing a year on

One has to remember, this is a busy working hospital, a big one at that. As we were taking our pictures, a lady came over to us enquiring what all the fuss was about.  Her little boy about three years old, was looking a little nervous and slightly grumpy. Nervous, because he was due for some surgery later that day. Grumpy because he’d had no breakfast and there wouldn’t be lunch either until he was the other side of his surgical procedure.  They’d travelled all the way from Kendal in Cumbria and certainly hadn’t expected to see a TV crew and all this garden mayhem. Even before the garden was finished, it was achieving its purpose, bringing people together.

We left the team beavering away, so even we didn’t get to see the grand reveal, so there will be much in the show that comes as a surprise to us. This is our second year of being involved with the Love Your Garden team and their amazing projects. This one of course being extra special.

We visited the LYG crew a week or so ago on another project in Nottingham. They were working their magic again in a small garden, but we can’t say too much about that until the show airs.

If you missed Tuesday the 22nd’ show, it will be in the ITV hub to catch up.