Septic tank emptying by Tardis - Tardis Hire Septic tank emptying by Tardis - Tardis Hire
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Although not as common as they may have been, many homes still rely on septic tanks, particularly in more rural areas.

If your property is not connected to a mains sewer, you may have a septic tank, where the sewage from the bathroom, toilet, shower or kitchen ends up.

A septic tank simply works like a smaller version of wastewater treatment works, as the sewage flows into the tank – its forms 3 layers.

  • First layer – scum or crud. This layer sits on the top of the tank, and will not decompose naturally. More about this later.
  • Second layer – wastewater is able to drain away out of an outlet pipe to a soakaway or drain field.
  • Third layer – the bottom layer of sludge is rather clever. It is allowed to settle on the bottom of the tank. This layer will be digested by bacteria that are breeding in the tank.

Alternatively, some properties have a cesspit or cesspool to hold wastewater and sewage. A cesspit tends to be above ground and has an opening hatch, whereas a septic tank is normally buried beneath the ground not far away from the property. A cesspit does not have an outlet pipe to a drain.

As mentioned above, the first layer within the tank does not decompose, and will need to be removed. To ensure the septic tank works properly, septic tank emptying should be carried out. Cesspits will also need to be emptied.

Ideally, septic tank emptying should be carried out on a regular basis. Exact frequency of emptying would depend on the size of the tank, how much waste it can hold and also the number of people living in the household, and therefore creating waste.

It is as equally important for low usage properties also to be emptied.

Septic Tank Emptying

Septic Tank Emptying

If septic tank emptying is not maintained, it can cause bad odours, flooding and also pollution, 3 things you definitely will not want.

Luckily, septic tank emptying is included under the array of services Tardis Environmental can offer across England, Wales and Scotland.

As a licensed waste carrier, you can be confident with the service we provide.

For properties where septic tank emptying is required more frequently, it may be a good idea to schedule it as part of a routine service. This would ensure tanks stay efficient, increasing their functional life, whilst also reducing the possibility of blocked drains and overflowing.

Tardis Tanker

Tardis Tanker

Our 6000 gallon tankers allow us to remove septic tank waste in large volumes. We are able to service domestic properties with tight access, with our smaller HGV’s allowing easier access.

For more information, visit our website page on septic tank emptying which details all you will need to know!