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Water’s going up.

We attend an interesting variety of construction projects at Tardis H2O on site, this one being no different.

A call from a construction company in Salford with an urgent requirement for 60,000 litres of quality assured drinking water ASAP to charge and test drinking water tanks for a brand new high rise development opening soon.

And so, it was an early start for the delivery crew and our water hygienist who met us at our Brownhills HQ to oversee the filling procedure and test the water was fit for purpose.

There’s quite a bit goes into the quality assurance of drinking water. Delivery tankers for example are sterilised before filling from an authority approved hydrant. Standpipe and fitting are treated in the same way to assure the integrity of the delivered load and of course, there’s that important final test of the cargo before being waved of on our way to Manchester.

We arrived at a very busy site and manoeuvred into position to deliver the water. Its destination, two enormous tanks located in the basement of the building where a troop of engineers were waiting to conduct their tests.

We rolled out quite a few metres of drinking water hose with WRAS approved stainless fittings again, treated before conveying any water.  Even though the water we were delivering today would not be drunk, it’s rather like a dress rehearsal, everything as it should be in a real life situation.

Whilst the engineers were doing what engineers do, we popped off to refill the tanker with the day’s second load.

A few snags back in Salford meant a short delay, where we were able to catch up on Salford gossip.

The site is a hop and a skip from Media City where both the BBC and ITV have their northern headquarters. One of the main site lads told us how he’d escorted one of the actresses from Coronation Street around the building as she’s considering one of the luxury apartments.

Manchester’s landscape is changing big time with many construction projects dotted about this fast growing city.

And Tardis H2O is proud to be part of those projects providing both clean and quality assured drinking water to meet any size requirement.

Telephone 0800 731 0589

www.tardishire.co.uk  www.tardish2o.co.uk